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Hacking Tools Cheat Sheet 종류
- Basic Linux Networking Tools (ip, dig)
- Information Gathering (whois, CT logs, subdomain enumeration)
- TCP Tools (ncat)
- TLS Tools (openssl, ncat, sslyze, socat)
- HTTP Tools (python webserver, curl, nikto, gobuster)
- Sniffing (ARP spoofing, tcpdump, Wireshark, …)
- Network Scanning (nmap, masscan)
- Shells (Bind/reverse shells)
- Vulnerability DBs and Exploits (searchsploit and some links)
- Cracking (ncrack, hashcat, John the Ripper)
- Metasploit Framework (Use exploits, generate shells, shell listeners, meterpreter, pivoting, SOCKS proxying)
- Linux Privilege Escalation (LinEnum, lynis, GTFOBins)
- Windows Privilege Escalation (PowerSploit, smbmap)
- Windows Credentials Gathering (mimikatz, lsadump)
- Passh-The-Hash (Lots of impacket tools)
- NTLM Relay (ntlmrelayx, SOCKS proxying)
- Active Directory (BloodHound & PingCastle)
- Online References
계속 업데이트를 하고 있으니 필요하실 때 참고하시면서 공부하시면 좋을것 같습니다.계속 업데이트를 하고 있으니 필요하실 때 참고하시면서 공부하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
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